Thursday, 15 August 2013

9 weeks and counting.........

Apologies to my readers for the lack of posts but I'm sure you'll forgive my absence since I have (a) been really busy with one thing and another and (b) not had very much to report!

I'm still steadily increasing my exercise and am now back to doing intervals on the bike at the gym, I've also increased the length of time I spend on the cross trainer. I'm amazed at how much 'non-impact' those two are so added to my resistance exercises I'm managing to keep a relatively challenging programme going. With very short runs inbetween I feel I'm doing ok, I still haven't managed to fit in any swimming which is disappointing but I'm confident I'll get there yet!

Of course we at club have held the inaugural Arthur James Relay (last Sunday 11th August) and what an exciting day that was, still unable to run more than a mile or so, I marshalled the race at a point where the runners needed turning off the main road back into a wooded area which headed for the finish.  How exciting, despite the purposeful low key element of the race it still had a proper race feel to it! Everyone seemed to enjoy the morning with many of us heading to the watering hole across the road from our training base for refreshments afterwards.  The trophy was awarded to my son Marc and newcomer to the club, James - they had a 'small' advantage in that they are both relative whippersnappers and were a man short so James ran two of the legs - unavoidable though since the pairing was as random as any other as the teams were drawn from a hat (well a plastic bag!).

So off to the engravers the shield has gone to be returned to the winners as soon as possible.  Here's to next year.... Arthur would have been proud.

Hallelujah! 9 weeks and counting, I now have a physio appointment and despite my advancement with the help of the lovely lady at the gym and 'magic hands May' I'm still going to consult them in a bid to check that I am moving forward in the correct way.  So roll on Tuesday when hopefully I will have some more professional guidance and perhaps an assessment of where I am at.

Meanwhile, there will definitely be no Great North Run for me this year so I am doing my utmost to persuade Marc to take it on - not strictly allowed but I will make sure his details are correctly completed on the back of the number and hopefully get to cheer him in at the finish line, just the ticket to start him on his University path the following day! Oh did I forget to mention? I'm just on cloud nine at the moment after learning that Marc has passed his 'A' levels with flying colours and gained a place at Leeds College of Music. Life is good despite not yet being able to join my club mates at training sessions.