Thursday, 14 March 2013

Wishful thinking?

I had hardly typed the last word and pressed 'publish' for my previous blog when I heard that those lovely weather people had forecast snow for the weekend! Wishful thinking? Yes it would seem so. I'm sure I wasn't the only one lulled into a false sense of thinking that Spring was in the air.  I was horrified to learn that the temperatures were set to plummet  again just when we thought we had turned a corner.

Leaving home early on Sunday morning with Marc to meet up with Claire and Ghizala (who was starting out with us and planning on running a few miles out and back on the canal) it was bitterly cold but as yet no sign of snow.  It was a different story a couple of miles later as the flurries began.  Hitting the back of my throat like flies in the summertime or hindering my view by landing on my eyelashes.  I began to think back to Liversedge a few weeks ago.  How pleasant it had been when we set off with the snowflakes dancing all around us only for it to turn into sleet and then icy rain, making for a most unpleasant last few miles of the race. Fortunately last Sunday the worst we encountered was puddles from previous rain fall and frequent patches of very slippery mud! The intermittent snow flurries accompanied us all the way to Skipton. I reached for my phone camera at one point intending to take some photos of the view of the towering snow covered hills in front of us only to find it wasn't in my pocket, thankfully I later learned I had unwittingly left it at home.

Reaching another milestone in the the marathon training is yet another confidence boost. I even managed to overcome the dread of refuelling with energy gels and, it appeared, managed to administer them at appropriate intervals and stave off any serious dips in energy levels.

Why though, did me and Claire have to sit and watch Marc tuck into a Macdonald's meal whilst we were unable to eat, feeling sick, I managed a few fries while Claire only managed a cup of tea? I'm  going to look into the cause and effect when I get a minute. Could it  have something to do with him not putting enough effort in?!!

The training plan recommends a 10 mile or half marathon race this week so I'm a little unsure what to suggest since we had mooted ideas of doing the Trimpell 20 thinking that it would be good to do some higher mileage in a race situation. Decisions, decisions. As a result this is how I'm feeling as the weekend approaches leaving only five weeks to go...........

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