Saturday, 29 June 2013

Interpreter in the house?

Not being very tech savvy I tend to muddle my way through and usually manage to achieve what I set out to do.  Creating a new post for my blog the other day, the next line eluded me, I decided to meddle whilst inspiration materialised.  Clicking here, clicking there, I came upon an option to change the language in which my blog is written. 'I wonder what my blog would look like written in Urdu?' I asked myself. 'Click' and there it was, all the headings, everything in swirling Urdu.  Now what's 'language settings' in Urdu? Oh, no clue! Just as I was about to give up I happened up on a click which revealed what 'language settings' was in Urdu!! That'll teach me to meddle!

So now I can get back to writing. What's been happening? Well.........

My dark cloud grew ever darker. Following my visit to Peter May he assured me there were no issues to worry about and to run but take it steady and keep to low mileage as I had been doing. That evening I ran. It hurt. I decided to take drastic action and strip it right back to basics. Walking. I would go to each club session as normal but when the groups set off on their runs, I would walk, I would keep walking until I felt confident to begin run walking, even if that took a few weeks to achieve.

All went well, the next session, Friday evening, I went down to Apperley Bridge, taking Dave with me. The groups set off, I set off and walked 25 minutes along the canal towpath, turned around and walked back.  Soon after the runners returned. Great! All had gone to plan.  The following Sunday and we decided to go for a family walk into nearby Buck Woods. My son, his partner, two grandsons, Martin, myself and of course Paul and Dave (the dogs).  Strolling through the beautiful woodland, the children frequently stopped to admire the stone carvings along the route, pine cones, rabbit holes anything that caught their attention. Bliss!  Craig, my son, was walking just ahead of me holding 3 year old Zach's hand, all of a sudden he lost his footing and slipped down a sloping rock dragging Zach with him.  Instinct obviously took over and I reached out to get a hold of the little one. My right foot also slipped down the rock, my left foot remained on the path. I twisted my knee and I also felt a horrible 'pop' to the inside of the knee.  Scrambling to my feet I was in agony and began to 'giggle' uncontrollably, this carried on for some time as I struggled to make my way back to the car. I imagine it was either pain or shock or both!

Anyway I did the usual, ice, rest, ibuprofen and also rubbed Ibuprofen gel into the area and went to bed thinking it would be ok in the morning.  How wrong was I? I woke at 3 am in agony.  A visit to minor injuries later and I was told I had torn my collateral ligament and I was to completely rest for 48 hours and was given an information sheet of advice and exercises.

So, a visit to the docs on Monday will hopefully help me to find out how I can move forward from this and what I can and can't do when. I'm hoping that I might be able to go swimming fairly soon and resume my upper body programme in the gym!

Meanwhile here's hoping it won't be too long before I can get back to my walking, running it seems is much further away than it ever was!

These little fellas will no doubt be much bigger when I see them again.......

A pair of Swans patiently await their new arrivals

Two cygnets had arrived next time I saw the pair!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Running is my sunshine!

I have just read a lovely and indeed very apt quote "Running is my sunshine" (Joan Twine). This quite literally sums up how I feel about my running. Alas I have a dark cloud hanging over me at the moment.  I've tried to be sensible and keep to low mileage, resting for more days than running and hitting the gym a couple of times a week just to stave off the pounds.  That's weight not money!

The crunch came when I had to give away my Otley 10 mile race number.  One of the tougher but really enjoyable races I had looked forward to as part of my series of races entered to help regain my focus after London Marathon. Enforced cheering is not nearly as much fun as the voluntary variety.  Where will it end? I don't know the answer. I do know that I need to work at getting tip top quite soon if I am to fulfil my innermost desire to run the Great North Run in under two hours which has been an idle thought for quite some time. Where to begin?

I know the sensible option for some would be to visit a physio but after my past experience I'm loathe to do so and for the time being place my trust in the formidable Peter May. He's confident I'm on the road to recovery so we will see.  Next visit already planned, let battle commence!