The person who posted this comment some time ago will know who they are......
Next year together! 2012 is your year for another 26.2 London miles, I feel x
As I read it today it made me realise that the chances of this happening are slim.....
I have lost most of my faith in the ballots of these popular races, 6 years of entering the ballot for the Great North Run have been fruitless each time as have my (now) two entries into the London Marathon. Thousands and thousands of people will now be recipients of a 'commiserations' magazine informing them they were unsuccessful in this year's Virgin London Marathon ballot. All is not lost as this year (unlike last year) I am eligible to enter the club draw for one of the two places up for grabs! My first thoughts are of trepidation with regard to running 26.2 miles again. I know in my heart of hearts if I had got a place in the ballot and indeed if I am lucky enough to have my name drawn out in the club ballot in November then I would certainly have another 'crack at the whip'! A few more weeks to wait and we shall know the outcome.
How though, do you prevent yourself from entering time and time again. I know that whether or not I do get the opportunity to run London again in 2012 I will find it very difficult not to enter the ballot for the 2013 race 'just to see if I get a place'. It could very well turn into a vicious circle, as I said this year, 'if I am privileged enough to get a place in the ballot, I would have to run it'. Where will it all end. The only difference between London and the Great North Run is that for the most part, I will continue to seek out a charity place for the world's biggest half marathon, whereas charity places for London are not even a consideration, the demands placed on runners by charities are way out of my grasp. I would not even consider taking on the task of raising that amount of sponsorship year in year out. Which is a shame as they are all worthy causes but the demands placed on the people I plague year in year out are already enormous, though very much appreciated, our final sponsorship total for Scope now stands at £590.10 - and the offline portion of the money is now winging it's way to them as we speak! Until next year when I will most probably be seeking out another good cause to raise money for it's a big 'thank you' from me and a big 'thank you' from him.
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