Let's hope it is! On reflection 2011 has had it's ups and downs, not least with the economic climate, business has been very 'peaks' and 'troughs', even worrying at times. As for my running though it's been a steady 'up' for the most part. With PB's in every distance (except the marathon - I haven't run one!) and some distances several times over, I've had an excellent year running wise and coming into 2012 I can only hope it continues. I don't expect to continue on the up but as long as I can maintain an even keel then I'll be more than happy. Most runners know that the consequences of injury e.g. not being able to run, are not good for mind, body and soul. We runners need our 'fix' on a regular basis! So here's hoping and doing everything I can to make sure and I have Peter May to thank for assisting me with this! I'm not one for making resolutions but with all that in mind I have just a couple of running goals I would like to achieve in the coming year and they are to complete a sub 50 minute 10k and a sub 1:50 half marathon. There, I said it! I have purchased new running shoes with vouchers I received for Christmas - I know, I know, I'm like a kid with money burning holes in my pocket but they were much needed and tell me, who can resist red? Hopefully these beauties will help me in my quest! Other running related gifts included membership of the Great North Run so for the first time ever I don't need to vie for a ballot place, I'm guaranteed one for the next three years! Wahey!
As I begin another year as a member of Eccleshill Road Runners I am a true champion of joining a club if you have any thoughts of improving your running, making friends, that feeling of 'belonging' is second to none. I've found that there's always someones friendship you can call on, be it for support with your running or a non-running related problem. Through the club I have made some true friends and long may it continue.
I'm unable to get to club tomorrow, the second Wednesday in succession, this time due to a family funeral so I'm once more planning an early morning run although the weather is doing it's level best to scupper that, I plan to carry on regardless! So far Lisa has agreed to join me so it won't be such a lonely run as last week. Having run the club 3 mile time trial for the first time last night (I am usually chief timer, thank you Alison) - I really felt the Christmas excesses - felt sick, got stitches and felt generally yuk when I had finished although I was quite pleased with my 27:15 time as it's not an easy route with numerous roads to cross, an uphill finish and the wind howling at us all the way round!
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