Friday, 22 February 2013

The Long Run

I don't suppose I'm the only one but I'm finding myself looking for ways to keep me inspired on my marathon training journey.
I've been subscribed to the 'Realbuzz' site since my first attempt at the Great North Run in 2006.  It's an excellent site which promotes 'Healthy Active Living'. The resources available on the site are endless.  Today though I read an article by running expert and blogger Tom Bedford titled 'The Long Run'.  The blog reinforced just what I tried to tell myself during my long run last Sunday. Whilst I set off with my son Marc, he's much faster and it wasn't long before he disappeared into the distance leaving me to run alone.  It's well documented that I don't like running alone but I obviously realise that it is necessary sometimes for one reason or another. So my thoughts were allowed to linger on each little niggle as first one knee hurt, then the other, my back began to ache, then my hips, by the time I reached my finish point I felt (a) shattered but (b) elated that I had finally got my training on track.  In the meantime I cast my mind back to marathon training in 2010 and remembered the exact same feeling - just how can I do any higher mileage when I feel like this at 15/16 miles? Tom Bedford says exactly that in the blog - each time you go higher it's taxing because you are still pushing your body to be where you want to be and it won't feel easier anytime soon, however if you were to take a step back and repeat a run you did a few weeks ago at the same pace it would most certainly feel amazing. So it looks like I'm in it for the 'long run'!
8 weeks to London.....

The club runs have been a boost this week as always.  I'm happy that the content is sufficient to keep me on track and get me to my goal - I've known members who have been marathon training to drop club altogether, preferring to train on their own, which is all well and good if that's what suits you but this method doesn't appeal to me at all, but once again I consider myself lucky to be part of such a supportive club who's members are happy to give up their time to help others and get the necessary training done.

Thankfully this weekend I have a 'long run' training buddy, after doing a couple of miles on my own, Claire is going to run to Huddersfield with me as we run to the start of the Huddersfield 10k where some club members are running the race. A lift back to our start point will no doubt be most welcome!

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