This is the morning after the night before. No I don't have a blinder of a hangover! I went to club last night with thoughts of joining the group doing the shorter run, partly because I could still feel sore spots from my massage with Peter on Tuesday and partly with thoughts that I didn't want to 'push it'. However, with holidays and injuries amongst club members and a Leeds University Lecture by Alistair and Johnny Brownlee - runners were thin on the ground.
Tony had turned up despite not feeling very well, then decided he would return home as he was feeling worse. This left Janice and I to 'man the fort'. Janice has been unwell recently so decided she would do the short run, so I decided I would accompany John and Alison on the longer run. Oh how the mind is changed in a very short space of time!
Anyway, we had a lovely run, I was starting to feel aches and pains on the upward climb to Five Lane Ends, Highfield Road is more of an incline than you might expect! Arriving back at club having covered a total of 9.5 miles my legs felt like lumps of lead, I began to visualise how I would feel in the morning, sore I guessed!
Upon rising this morning I felt tip top! I'm sure there's some secret ingredients in that there 'Runner's Rub'! I could of course attribute it to my Wii Yoga too!

The downward facing dog!
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