I questioned my sanity a number of times yesterday, but I guess least said about that the better.
Given that I declined all suggestions that I should do another marathon in 2011 I did wonder why I was crossing the landing into the bathroom at 6.15 on a Sunday morning in preparation for an 18 mile run to Huddersfield. I then remembered the reason. All my own doing of course! Following last weeks 15+ miler with the 'marathoners' I found myself uttering words to the effect that we could probably run to Huddersfield next week in time to cheer in the runners of the Huddersfield 10k whilst increasing the training mileage for the marathon which I am not doing. I am then, of sound mind, and indeed responsible for my own actions! Make sense? No? I didn't think so either.
Anyway here I was bleary eyed and trying to focus on what I needed to pack into a bag to be left in Mick's car since he was going to be the one bringing us back. Would it rain, would I need to change my clothes, a towel, spare shoes, snacks for after the run? This felt like I was preparing to run a marathon, gels, pain killers, mobile phone??? Questions, questions, I had to take a step back and think straight. I wasn't going to be alone in this long journey since we had yet another addition to last weeks party, Alison was joining Dawn, Karen and myself on this one. Finally I managed to pack everything up, get my breakfast and get dressed.
Mick arrived promptly at 7.55 and off we went to Pudsey to meet Karen. Retracing our steps back to Eccleshill we began our journey. 9 miles in, the half way point, I again declared how, similar to last week, I felt much better running in the morning than I did on the longer club runs on Wednesday evenings. Was it the daylight or was it that having not worked all day one feels less tired? Not sure but probably a combination of the two.
After a brief toilet stop at Tesco in Huddersfield we continued on our journey, 6 miles to go. Little did we know a punishing incline lay just around the corner. We all tackled it with our own determination. Once at the top we had a steady decline down into the centre of Huddersfield. This is where it went slightly wrong. We continued on through the city centre. No sign of 'Lockwood' the place where the rugby club was situated. Apparently this was where the race started and finished from. I must admit that put a downward slant on my mood. After feeling really upbeat about reaching Huddersfield and a sense we had 'done it' my mood slowly began to take a nose dive. We asked several people for directions and each time confidently set off again only to reach the end of another road and not know which way to turn. Eventually we came across fellow ERR runner, Lindsey who had finished the race and directed us to our intended destination.
Sadly the race was well and truly over so we didn't get chance to cheer anyone in at the finish but nonetheless we had completed more than our intended 18 miles, nearly 19 and a half which can only serve to instill some confidence into the marathoners of their ability to achieve their goal which must be now firmly in their sights.
After our long run I have managed to end weeks of uncertainty in my mind and make a decision to run Trimpell 20 next weekend instead of the final Peco cross country at Otley. It has been a difficult decision as I really do enjoy the cross country races but feel that I have more to gain by going to Trimpell from a personal point of view and from a 'friends' point of view. The group will be increased even further as Mick, Sophie and Gill join our gang! I do love team spirit! Anyway who can resist the offer of a free swim after a 20 mile run? Salt Ayre Leisure Centre here I come......

Salt Ayre Leisure Centre swimming pool, Trimpell
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