I feel like a bear with a sore head.
Having been a migraine sufferer in my late teens well into adulthood I have noticed that since beginning running nearly five years ago there has been a marked decrease in attacks, this may or may not be exercise related but I would like to think it has played a part. It's widely known that a whole range of things are cited as 'triggers', smoking, cheese, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and the list goes on. I, however, have never been able to pinpoint a cause, other than on occasions, lack of sleep and stress. I have read several articles relating to running and migraines, some suggest that stress can indeed be a trigger and running (or any physical exercise) quite often reduces stress, also high cholesterol and again running (or any physical exercise) can help eliminate the condition. So even though a few weeks ago I was diligently informed by some of the younger members of my family that running makes your skin sag and makes you look older I absolutely intend to continue. Me vain? Not in the least? It's amazing what you can find in the cosmetic bag!
Migraine did, however, get the better of me on Wednesday. I wanted to leave work early and go home to bed but that would have meant two buses from Queensbury so I stuck it out and retired to bed as soon as I did get home. Still entertaining thoughts that I may go to club and do the 10 mile run if I felt better when I woke up. I didn't.
Which brings me to this evening. Should I run or shouldn't I? The recommendations are that as long as you're not retching (oh the thought!) and feel it's possible then there's no reason not to. I don't have too much experience of running with or after migraine so I'm undecided. Fellow sufferers will sympathise when I say I still get the pulsing pain when I bend down or cough today, two days later, so not sure if I will be able to run but maybe I will go along and try. I ran a couple of months ago at parkrun the morning after a migraine and felt that it was beneficial but I figure this one was a much worse attack.
My parkrun tomorrow is in doubt as our car is off the road needing major repairs for the MOT - so if I don't run tonight it may well mean that as I haven't run since last Monday the first in this year's YVAA races will be my first run in a week. Not a very good prospect to expect to be able to have a good race with no preparation at all.
As this Sunday is Mothering Sunday perhaps I should put my feet up for the rest of the week and start afresh on Monday?............ Hmmmmm that thought doesn't actually appeal to me.........

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