Thursday, 26 July 2012

Relay me in!

 I'm sure it's not age related but I've done something I have never done before and lo and behold I've now done it twice! Double booked races.  Firstly I entered the Woodland Challenge and then promptly realised it is taking place on the same day as Bridlington Half Marathon and then if I didn't enter the Idle Trail Race and then find out it's the same day as the next race in the YVAA series at Crossgates. So decisions had to be made.  There was however, no contest between Brid and the Woodland Challenge, Brid wins hands down as we have an annual club coach trip. A run by the sea and ending up in Wetherspoons seems much more appealing than the 'Fruitypot Woodland Challenge'!! But....the Idle Trail versus the Crossgates vets race,  I'm either going to lose my achievement of doing all the races in the series (which I did achieve last year) or miss out on running in the same race as Ron Hill and supporting a local club.  I was still deliberating until we did a recce of the Idle route at club last Friday - and now my mind's made up, Idle Trail it is, mud and all.  Crossgates is new to the YVAA series, during my time of doing them anyhow so here's hoping St Theresa's host the race again next year and fingers crossed that Ron is joining us this year!

Meanwhile I'm trying to concentrate on getting back to regular training now that all my planned social events are out of the way.  Monday's speed and hills session, a regular on the training Calendar and although we all moan about it, it feels great once we have completed it, Lister Lane hill reps. This session was no exception but despite the fact that it was very hot, we all put in great effort and supported each other to complete the required reps.

Wednesday brought us our second relay race, this time hosted by Abbey Runners, the Golden Acre Park Relay is once again teams of three runners but this time all runners complete the same route.  Having missed the Washburn relay I was really looking forward to this one.  Team events - in training or racing are always so much more enjoyable, I think it's the camaraderie more than competitive aspect that's appealing. This time was no exception as we had 6 teams entered.  I hoped that having had a sports massage with Peter May the previous evening would help rather than hinder my run.  I wasn't disappointed when as last runner for the team club mate Mick accompanied me around the course and I really felt I had a great run.  When the results came out however, I was given a slightly slower time than last year, the first time I got to use the Garmin watch I got for my birthday in a race and it lost GPS in the wooded area so I hadn't got my own time but I really thought I would have been much quicker.  I do have reservations about manual timing but hey I'll just have to set my sights on doing better next year!
Team ERR at Golden Acre Park Relay

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