The Thursday speed and endurance course was excellent once again. Although Brian seems to be staying with the same theme each week it is still varied as he introduces new principles into the session. We began with the usual warm up 2 lap jog around the track and dynamic stretches. We also once again used the hurdles for flexibility training, again using differing techniques to step over the hurdles. This week we took the speed work a step further in that instead of timed sprints which resulted in 10 x approx 100m distance followed by walking recovery of 50m across the grass back to the start point we completed 10 x 150m sprints with 50m walking recovery and 200m recovery jog. In effect each week we have progressed with effort without increasing the distance. Simples!
Quite predictably I didn't feel able or indeed that it would be sensible to take part in the Bridlington Half Marathon. We did though, make the trip to the East coast in order that Marc could take part in the last of the ERR junior Summer championship races which he did with gusto. Arriving in plenty of time we had an amble on the beach beforehand. It was absolutely beautiful, the sun shone but there was a lovely cool breeze, perfect for running. In no time at all the throng of juniors were lined up ready for off. The gun was fired and off they shot as if they had been fired from the barrel! Within minutes I saw someone gesture that the leaders were on their way. Excitedly I dashed to the barriers and peered along the sea front. I could see them careering towards the finish line, Marc was amongst them, he gave everything he had and managed to finish a fantastic second place. He had no reason to be, but I knew he was disappointed not to come first, there's always next year, incidentally it will be his last at Junior level and I look forward to him moving up to longer distances.

So to the senior race, we had seen Claire and Rob warming up and spoken to Brian, still no sign of Sophie who I had text to see where she was, she had replied they were en route and then again that they had arrived but were having trouble parking. She was cutting it fine with 10 minutes to go until the start. We decided to walk along the front and find a suitable position to spectate, bid Brian good luck and walked on. Not too far along and there was Sophie, what a relief! She seemed relaxed despite having been unwell all week and sounded up beat and confident but said she was going to run without her watch and just enjoy it, sensible. This is the point when I so wished I was able to run, it's no comfort thinking 'oh well there's next year' - it's then and there that matters. People started to mill around as officials were shouting to get runners onto the start line. Tension mounted and 'bang' went the gun again, they were off. Just 1 hour and 7 minutes and 18 seconds later and the first man was home - amazing, the next one didn't appear until 1:11:52 fantastic lead. The first lady appeared at around 1:23 so we were anxiously waiting for Eccleshill's Claire, who we thought quite likely would make second or third lady. 1 hour 30 passed and still no sign of her, we began to wonder what was wrong. Moments later Martin spotted her along the sea front, walking, I dashed along my thoughts looming, had we missed her crossing the line and she'd walked back? No, she'd pulled out of the race. Was she injured? "No", she replied "CBA" - well that's acceptable we all get a case of 'CBA' every now and then - just not usually in the middle of a race! Next came Rob in a brilliant 1:38:17, then Brian in a PB of 1:47:35 and Sophie again a PB in 2:03:59. A visit to Wetherspoon's rounded off a fantastic day beside the seaside beside the sea.
It does sound as though the Bradford runners had a great day too with Eccleshill out in force with 9 taking part in the Half Marathon and 4 forming a relay team. Excellent times for what was a tough course so next year's decision will be a tough one Sunny Brid or (gut) Bustin' Bradford? Time will tell.......
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