John Carr Race 1
Where to start?.....
It's been a little while since I've blogged. Various reasons are to be attributed to this. Work, lack of transport, injuries, decorating, Bank Holidays, lack of internet access, I won't go on.
I've certainly had an 'ups and downs' couple of weeks in all aspects of life but mainly running or not as the case may be. I'm sure most runners will tell you that at some point or other during the time they have been running they've 'lost their mojo'. I certainly have at the moment, more for racing than social running but both have suffered of late. I've been striving to keep up with life whilst one family car is off the road leaving us with only the 2 seater smart car, try getting a very tall son and a boisterous Dave to parkrun in that! No fun I can tell you and in addition there's the other half needing to get to work on a Saturday morning. So last week I decided to walk to Lister Park, do my usual duty of sweeping at parkrun then walk back home again, Marc was having none of it and Dave loved it. Trouble is I could hardly walk for two days afterwards, walking had a strange effect on me from the hips down, I thought I walked quite a lot, dog walking and all that, I fear I don't do as much as I thought and I really must try do more of it from now on. I know that different muscles are exercised when walking as opposed to running but my word I really did suffer, I felt like a 90 year old and believe you me I was walking like one!
I'm pleased to report I'm walking around much more normally now. Onwards and upwards, I took part in (my only planned races) the first in the John Carr 5k series tonight. Although I didn't achieve a distance PB, missing it by just 2 seconds, I did achieve a course PB so now I'm hoping this gives me a zest for racing again and assists me in entering some more. Bring on next week. I've still got a quiet few days in terms of running ahead of me due to family commitments etc but hopefully I'll get back into my stride next week, with a little help from my friends!
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