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Here comes Summer! |
The world of running plods on, well, ok, I do! I've taken a step back and had a look at what I'm doing in relation to my training, a necessary requirement now and again. I have to admit to feeling a little bored of late, and who doesn't from time to time? On the one hand now that the clocks have gone forward signalling the start of BST bringing with it lighter nights, we will soon be moving to our Summer training base which in itself brings new and different training routes, on the other hand I'm hungry for change but don't know what. I have, though, decided that after picking Martin up from several of his long runs and at times, seeing the deflation on his face and listening to his negative views of running 20+ miles that I will join him for part of his training runs for the next couple of weeks as he completes his final long run and begins to taper ahead of London which is now less than 4 weeks away. So after he had completed 10 miles I met him at Greengates to continue the route he had mapped out towards Shipley. All went well with just a couple of wobbles which I managed to talk him through but now it's taper time I'm sure he will be breathing a sigh of relief! Not long until the big day now!
Poor Gill will be bored by the time she's finished. Following her fall she's been fitted with another pot for a further 6 weeks so that's put any hopes of running the VLM or indeed any running on the back burner for quite a while. Her only consolation was a sky blue pot which matches the outfit she's purchased for her son's forthcoming wedding, very nice of the hospital to accommodate her request although I'm quite certain she would rather not have had to have a pot at all. It was though, lovely to see pictures of her on the sidelines of the Bradford 10k on Sunday. I didn't manage to see her as I was marshalling the race and stationed at the other end of the city at the turn round point of the race. Off she's popped to Bristol in preparation for the wedding this weekend so I'll look forward to seeing her on her return.
To think that this time last year as part of club mate Dawn's London marathon training several of us ran the Bradford 10k and then continued on to Bingley and back for a total of 22 miles that day! Now it's a very different story as Dawn has been, for the most part, out with injury since a fall on 1st October last year. Fingers crossed her current treatment gets her back on the road to return. She's sorely missed and no doubt vice versa.
Now do I do the double and go to club this evening or not, Hmmmmm.............
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